How to Scale Your Facebook Ads Without Getting Blocked.


No matter how big your business gets, you always find yourself wondering if you can take it just a bit further hence the desire to keep scaling it up. But what if you don’t want to attach your name to it for some reason? Some business owners end up opening accounts that don’t contain their personal names – fake Facebook accounts.

The Risks of Having a Fake or Fictitious Facebook Account

What is a fictitious Facebook account? Well, when we say a fake Facebook account in this context, we don’t mean bots. We’re talking about an account that isn’t in your real name. Instead, it can be a fictitious name that has no real person behind it. Regardless of whose name your fake Facebook account is in, if it doesn’t have your own name it’s going to be a problem.

Social media marketing can be tricky even for the most experienced advertisers. And if you don’t manage to keep your social media account out of all kinds of trouble, you’ll face a serious issue. The biggest one would be your inability to request any Review in case something goes wrong. Let’s say, your Facebook ad gets rejected and you want to request a double take from Meta for Business. You cannot do this with a fake Facebook account. But if the platform ends up figuring out that your account is in a fictitious name, you’ll face some challenges.

Why Avoid Creating Fake Facebook Accounts

Besides the complications that will arise as a result of having a fictitious account, there’s the problem of getting your account disabled. Once Meta catches on to you and your fake Facebook account, you might get disabled and not even be able to request a Review for it. You’ll be essentially forced to just open a brand new account and you’ll be back at ground zero. So, in case you want to know how to make a fake Facebook profile work, the short answer is that you can’t. And if you’re wondering how to create a Facebook profile that won’t expose your real name, you can always try renting an ad account from an agency.

Scale Up Smarter on Facebook

Naturally, you still want to scale the campaigns for your business. And rightly so, there’s no such thing as too much success! But there’s a safer way. Two, actually. And your first option is to scale up manually, yourself. Use your Facebook ad account or make a new one and run ads based on these 3 basic tips. Scale up smarter when running ads instead of using a fake Facebook account and avoid getting blocked!

  • Don’t over-target your Facebook campaigns.
  • Expand to newer audiences as you go.
  • Raise your social media marketing budget slowly.

If you want to scale up your business all on your own, you need to follow these rules.

Why? Let’s break them down.

Why can over-targeting be a problem? Because of the incredibly detailed targeting options that Meta for Business allows, we all sometimes fall into the trap of using too many filters and end up with a very small target audience. Over-targeting like this can result in very few Facebook users even seeing your ad, so be careful with that. You don’t want to filter your ad out of the competition. Plus, at the end of the day, you can always segment your audience further if you need to.

A Better Way

If you want to raise the budget faster to get a bigger flow of followers and customers quicker, it’s still doable! And on top of that, this way you can even maintain your relative anonymity! You’ll just need to enlist the help of professionals. There’re many Facebook agency accounts for advertising purposes and many agencies will offer you their services. If you want access to the best Meta ad accounts from digital marketing agencies and constant assistance from professionals, contact us.