The Future of Dropshipping: What Entrepreneurs Need to Know


Dropshipping is a business model in which ecommerce entrepreneurs sell products without having to carry any inventory. When a customer places an order on their store, the entrepreneur simply contacts the supplier, who then ships the products directly to the customer. Dropshipping has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it’s a simple way to start an online business with relatively little upfront investment. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the future of dropshipping and what entrepreneurs need to know. We’ll discuss some of the challenges that dropshippers face and how they can overcome them. So if you’re interested in starting or growing a dropshipping business, read on!

Warning to those who want to start dropshipping in 2023: consumer expectations are no longer the same

As ecommerce continues to become increasingly popular in 2023, those looking to get involved in dropshipping must heed a warning: put the customer first. Consumers today expect more than ever from ecommerce merchants, with fast delivery times and an extensive variety of items just the start.

Utilizing platforms such as Shopify to create an effective ecommerce store is a must-have. Going beyond that and offering free shipping, loyalty discounts and tailored services for buyers will be essential for ensuring sales success in 2023.

With customer expectations continuing to grow, those who want to make it big in ecommerce must stay ahead of the trend by providing maximum value through every transaction.

Pay attention to the quality of your products and the visuals you use to sell them

In an increasingly competitive market, you must take ad creatives design and product quality very seriously in order to build successful campaigns. It has become essential to pay attention to details such as video animation, illustration, and background audio in order to create a memorable brand identity and clean ads.

Consumers have come to expect high quality and any lack of care may be reflected in their opinion of your product or service. If you can't afford to produce a professional quality video, or if you want to keep a low budget to launch your testing, we advise you to use a simpe, clean image or a carousel as your creative type.

Having a responsive customer service is very important

In the ecom space, shipping delays are inevitable. Having a responsive customer service is paramount and can be achieved by implementing a simple email chain to notify customers of the progress of their deliveries. As many consumers are used to Amazon's standards of delivery, they become increasingly sceptical when packages take longer than five days to arrive, making it necessary for companies to succeed in making them wait patiently.

To do this efficiently, you have to set up clear communication channels with your customers that include timely updates on shipping delays and possible solutions if it takes too long. Acknowledging customers concerns while keeping them informed through email is key in building strong relationships with consumers during times of delay.

Pay attention to the quality of your products and make sure you send what you show on your website and ads

It is essential for ecom businesses to pay close attention to the quality of your products and services. Selling quality goods is key to acquiring customers’ trust and ensuing customer loyalty, but quality does not just refer to the material or physical quality of a product. It also refers to its transparency - what you show on your website or ads should match with what you deliver.

Misleading consumers can result in them reporting your ads or website on scam alert forums, with increasing number of such communities popping up recently. This can lead to ad account suspensions and lost traffic, which is an ever growing threat to all businesses operating online. Honesty and trustworthiness are two important requisites when it comes to doing business online, so ensure that you always provide quality products that meet the expectation of your customers.

Try subscriptions as a source of recurring income

Subscriptions can be a great way to generate recurring income, and they are becoming more and more popular with clients. This is especially true for consumables and beauty products such as creams and lotions, as well as for food supplements or vitamins. By offering your customers the option to receive new products regularly, you can not only ensure a steady stream of revenue, but also build a loyal customer base that will keep coming back for more.

In fact, subscription-based services have been shown to increase customer retention rates by up to 50%, making them an effective way to grow your business over time. Additionally, offering different subscription tiers with varying benefits and pricing can further incentivize customers to sign up and stay engaged with your brand. So if you're looking for a way to boost your revenue and build a strong, loyal customer base, consider offering subscription options for your products and services.

Meet other people who are doing the same thing as you and exchange best practices

Networking with other ecommerce professionals can be a great way to gain new insights and best practices. Given the highly specialized nature of ecommerce as well as the fact that you can run it online by your own, it's easy to feel isolated from the broader industry. However, participating in communities and groups of like-minded individuals can help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques, as well as avoid common pitfalls. By connecting with other experienced dropshippers, you'll be able to anticipate problems and gain new ideas for growing your business. Don't hesitate to reach out and start building your ecom network today!

As we’ve seen, starting a successful dropshipping business in the current climate requires all entrepreneurs to be much more mindful of the quality of their product and customer service. Businesses should pay attention to detail and make sure they are delivering exactly what was promised on their website or ads. Furthermore, they should strive to offer a responsive customer service that caters to the changing needs and expectations of their customers. Although it is possible to start a successful dropshipping business in 2023, it takes commitment, hard work and knowledge of both your products and your target market. To help you on your journey, we have plenty of tips and a turnkey infrastructure available for entrepreneurs interested in starting a dropshipping business. If you would like access to our experts to master your traffic sources and scale your online brands don't hesitate to book a call with us today!